RideShark has the most comprehensive and detailed incentive management system available in the mobility management portal for rewarding your users. If you can dream up an incentive program, we can deliver it!
RideShark allows for the offering of contest rewards (random draws), purchase rewards (once a point level has been reached users can ‘purchase’ a specific incentive), and milestone rewards where a reward is provided for achieving a certain milestone or plateau. Clients can offer any or all of these RideShark reward types.
Incentives/rewards can be any combination of system-wide incentives, corporate park incentives, or employer incentives awarded based on a broad range of criteria including Calendar-based trip logging, User Action or both.
RideShark can accommodate three types of prizes and rewards:
Contests Rewards – Users enter virtual tickets for contest rewards.
Purchase Rewards – Users spend points to purchase rewards.
Milestone Rewards – When a points plateau level is reached, users automatically achieve the reward.
The above combinations provide the flexibility to offer any type of incentive desired. Each subsite administrator can establish their own incentives through their administration portal. This system has proven to be very successful, especially with employers creating their own incentives in addition to publically available incentives – thus helping them personalize and target their employees. The potential for innovation in this area is an evolving and dynamic area of growth for both public and private sector clients. RideShark continues to push the envelope on this exciting area of integrated rewards for sustainable transportation choice users.