Rest assured that RideShark® certainly appreciates that we are dealing with your site, for your users.
We also understand that as a white-labelled solution, there is no limit to your creative options.
Rest assured that RideShark® certainly appreciates that we are dealing with your site, for your users.
We also understand that as a white-labelled solution, there is no limit to your creative options.
Rest assured that RideShark certainly appreciates that we are dealing with your site, for your users.
We also understand that as a white-labelled solution, there is no limit to your creative options.
Choose your own URL, color scheme, theme, text, images and design.
The site is yours and your users will view it as your solution, powered by RideShark technology.
RideShark’s custom subsites allow our clients to manage different, independently customized portals for multiple locations or organizations.
For example, a state may have subsites for its different cities, and a city may have subsites for different employers or institutions in the area.
RideShark’s custom subsites allow our clients to manage different, independently customized portals for multiple locations or organizations.
For example, a state may have subsites for its different cities, and a city may have subsites for different employers or institutions in the area.
Our custom subsites are also ideal for corporations looking to implement ridesharing solutions for their employees in different locations.
Each subsite can completely customize their local information, offer their own individual incentive programs and allow users to search only within their own employer group or region!